Friday, April 07, 2006

An Air of Mystery

So we dropped our rent cheque in the mail last week, just like we do every month.

But - unlike what happens every month, it was bounced right back. USPS told us in no uncertain terms that we had put 2cents less in stamp value than needed to get our cheque to the agency's office, twenty blocks away. Can't get anything past the USPS these days. Bah.

So Ilajna, predictably the reliable one (and also the one who has overarching responsibility for our mail situation - ie checks our mailbox everyday), put a new stamp on the envelope. Of the correct value this time. And dropped it off in the mail again.

Only to have the darned thing returned again. Sometimes, with life, there's just no rhyme or reason.

So I decided to turn to the reliable old fashioned approach - and take it down to the office myself. Ambled over this morning, crumpled cheque in hand.
"Erm, I know we've missed the rent deadline for this month, but honestly the cheque got returned by the mail twice, it wasn't our fault."
The receptionist gave me a bored once-over. "Yeah that's happened to a couple of people already this month. Something's wrong with the system."
"Oh! It's not just us then! I assume that means we won't be charged the late penalty?"
She looked at me deadpan, and said, "Never assume anything in life."

Never assume anything in life.

Now - far be it from me to question such an axiom - but seriously.

Is it strictly necessary to have such an air of mystery around a rent cheque??!

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