Tuesday, April 04, 2006


There comes a point in all our lives when we must bare our souls to all and sundry and let the skeletons out the closet. This moment of epiphany for me is right now. Right here.

So I would like to make a confession about my two secret obsessions.

a) Starbucks tall skim soy chai teal latte.
Yes I know Starbucks is a corporate giant and we must abhor them at all costs and they have commercialised and bastardised the original coffee and they charge rip-off prices for the mutant coffees they've invented and they are taking of the world just like the martians in the '80s.

And I do believe in all that, honestly. And I do stand by it with all the fervour of the Seattle WTO protests of '99.

I just wish their damn chai didn't taste so damn good that's all. And that there wasn't a branch right next to my work building. And right next to my home. And right on the walk from home to work.

b) Words with more than three syllables.
Don't ask. Everyone has their own fetishes, and that's mine. Words are fun, and artistic, and express subtle nuances and are, in my opinion, just under-exploited. (Other than 'cool', which is the over-exploited ugly duckling of the English language.) Dorky, I know. That's why it was a closet obsession. Until now anyway.

Anyways, before I get side-tracked by my own passionate rant, those are my two closet obsessions: Starbucks chai, and long words.

So you can imagine my excitement (elation, even) when Starbucks started its 'Spelling Bee' campaign. Fancy vocab words plastered everywhere - the walls, the counters, the tables. Increase your vocabulary while you sip your chai. Yep - my two passions brought together in one little spot - on Greenwich Avenue in the W. Village. Might as well have died and gone to heaven.

Being acutely insightful such that I am, my prospicience* tells me that this will become an increasingly consuming passtime. Perhaps even the succedaneum* for what I currently do in the afternoons (pretend to work). My original intention was for this entry to be a pastiche* incorporating the new words I learnt. But everything I strung together, predictably, sounded contrived. So as it turned out, "logorrhea" is perhaps the more accurate euonym*.

* Words I learnt today:
~ Logorrhea: excessive, pointless talkativeness
~ Prospicience: foresight
~ Succedaneum: substitute
~ Pastiche: dramatic literary piece
~ Euonym: well-suited name

Okay so maybe I'm the only one having so much fun with this. While sipping my chai.


Inihtar said...

You really learned all those words at Starbucks? Wow! Oh, and another overused word is "like." Read this: http://jscms.jrn.columbia.edu/cns/2006-04-04/stokes-likelikelike

Anonymous said...

Could Blogorrhea be a better euonym for this piece's header? Tee hee.

Ficali McDelta (nee McPipe) said...

Yes, and the dreaded 'like'. But that is, like, SO highschool.

Should blogorhea have two 'g's? Just wondering.

Doo Dah said...

I am on my feet and applauding you and your adoration of the English language (although I do a rather good job of hacking it on my blog, but that is just me being jocular).

Love your blog :)