Saturday, July 16, 2005

And in the beginning...

I've never done a blog before. And I don't know how one's supposed to start one. I feel kind of obliged to talk about the purpose of this blog.

Problem is, there isn't really a purpose. Other than that I feel like writing. And, if I am to be honest, something about writing on the web, to a black hole of potentially none to infinite audiences, thrills me.

I'm not planning to share this weblink with anyone. At least not in the beginning, during my first tentative, teetering, tottering steps into the World of Weblog.

The title of this blog has no deep significance - its just a tribute to seahorses, who I don't think get enough attention in this world. Have you ever paused in an aquarium, to spend some time gazing at the seahorses? They're fascinating creatures - real, and yet somehow dreamlike in a unicornian sense. Friendly, and yet incredibly shy. I went to the London Aquarium, a few months ago, to look at the seahorses. And everytime someone approached their tank, they'd all hide behind little strands of seaweed, and peep out at their audience shyly. Something about this little gesture tugged at my heartstrings, and has remained with me since.

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