Tuesday, July 26, 2005

At the Edge of a Precipice and Looking Down

It's been an arduous two months of job-hunting. Finding the right recruitment agents, combing through the job-search sites, finding contacts in the right firms, interviewing interviewing, interviewing. And more than anything else, just the stress and tension!

And all this, to realise in the last legs of the process, that I actually want to go down a different route. I've decided to give the consulting industry a try. Am I sure? Do I know exactly what it entails? Am I prepared for the lifestyle commitment? Do I really know what I'm getting into? That's how most people react. And to be honest, my answer is no. No I'm not sure what it'll be like. I'm not sure I'll love it. It's just that right now, it feels right. It might not be a forever decision, but at this point, my gut tells me its the correct step. And if I'm going to make the switch, if I'm going to take the leap, it's got to be now.

I didn't feel quite that brave this afternoon, when I had to turn down a priceless offer from one of my top firms. It made me cringe and quiver, but that's what following a dream is about. Isn't it? Right now, I'm turning my back on what I know to be fun and good and comfortable and secure, and taking a deep breath and plunging with a blind leap of faith.

Right now, it feels like I'm at the edge of a precipice and looking down.

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