Thursday, August 18, 2005

New start

I start my new job on Monday. If truth be told, I'm a bit nervous about it. But it's a generalist role which is what I want to do, and the people I've dealt with are friendly and nice, and it's a step into the consulting world, and ....

So it's definitely a positive thing.


So why do I feel so uncertain. It's a comfort and security thing, a friends and familiarity thing.

"When you first started working here, you didn't speak to any of us for the first two weeks," Milo Minderbinder pointed out to me the other day. I splutttered and stuttered and felt myself getting defensive.
"It's you guys who didn't talk to me," I responded. "I was the new kid on the block."
But I knew the real reason was me. That's just the way I am, when I find myself in new territory I get shy and crawl into my crab shell, and it's two weeks before I extend the metaphorical antenna tentatively out again.

So just when I've started feeling all comfortable and warm and wanted and happy, I have to move and start building from scratch all over again.

I hope the new place is fun. I hope the people are nice.

And I know it won't be the same as here, but I hope I'll still be okay.

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