Friday, August 05, 2005


Yesterday Shanks and I went out to grab a quick bite to eat before watching the Wedding Crashers (which, by the way, is a riotous laugh, but that's another story).

At the end of the meal, the waitress gave us each two mints. In the process of greedily lunging over for mine, I dropped one of them on the floor. I must have looked crestfallen, because Shanks offered me one of his.

"Why?!" I asked, knowing I was the one to blame.

"Well," he responded, "it's nicer to be left with just one because you've given the other away, rather than because you dropped it on the floor."

Hmm. I like that. I'm going to park that thought in my mind and mull over it for the next few days, periodically opening the lid of its box to pick it up, gently turn it around, and examine it carefully from all sides.

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