Friday, October 14, 2005

Up, up and away!! (And back very soon)

OMG OMG OMG I'm going to Miami for the weekend!!!

I'd almost forgotten about it, until Bobbis called me last night. "Case and I are dying for you to get here!!" she gushed. And then suddenly I remembered.

I'm going to Miami! Finally, finally, away from this dratted rain. And oh - to the hurricanes in Florida. But still. At least I'll be on the beach.

After speaking to Bobbis I had a moment of panic. Here I was, going to Miami, land of the Perfect Women (second only to California). The panic was followed by a frenzied period of plucking, preening and sprucing. But then after a while, I gave up and had to resign myself to the fact that there's only so much one can do to change one's appearance in time for a beach holiday the next day. So instead, I'm going to resort to taking the moral high ground: at least I'm a 100% natural.

Well - whatever comes our way, it promises to be a great weekend. Anecdotes and hopefully some pictures (depending on's capricious mood swings) when I'm back!


Inihtar said...

Case and I??? What's happening there?!?!?

Anonymous said...

Who's Case?
The 22 year old?
Hope you had fun!!!

Ficali McDelta (nee McPipe) said...

Guys! Calm yourselves. Case is also from Kodi. Let's not get rumours started about Bobbis just yet :)