Thursday, November 03, 2005

Mysteries explained

When I was young, I remember reading a book on the unsolved mysteries of the world. It explained UFOs and extra-sensory perception and the Bermuda Triangle and the Lochness Monster.

It did not explain how laundry always comes out of the dryer with orphaned socks.

Dammit. I feel inadequately equipped or educated to deal with real life.


Inihtar said...

That is SO true! I think washing machines have a little sock black hole, that sucks one of a pair (never both, just one) into it!

miLo said...

one of life's biggest mysteries!

Anonymous said...

i'm sure it didn't explain why toast always lands butter side down when knocked off a table or why cats always land on their feet when thrown from the same table.

Ficali McDelta (nee McPipe) said...

Dammit now I feel like nothing in life has been explained to me.