Wednesday, November 09, 2005


What with shuttling back and forth between two homes and living out of a suitcase and going out every evening to explore the new abode, my life is feeling rather disorganised and haphazard at the moment. Even the thoughts swilling in my head are disjointed, so bear with me as I spill them out for you in a bit of a fragmented entry.

Firstly, I've finally finished moving apartments. I whined and moaned about it a great deal to any willing listeners, and then spent ages procrastinating and worrying. So it was a bit of an anti-climax when the whole moving process ended up taking just 20 minutes. I guess there's only so long it CAN take when all your belongings in the world can fit into two suitcases. Still, it made me feel a bit ashamed for having made such a big deal bout it. Only a bit.

Acknowledgements: Thanks to Shan-K for coming all the way to NY and spending his afternoon fixing up my curtains (albeit two feet too short).
Thanks to Macklaine and Pangli for helping me carry the two suitcases up five floors. Because otherwise I would have just taken up residence in the lobby.
And thanks to Milo and Dub for introducing me to a whole host of bars and restaurants in the area.
My pals are such troopers.

As I engaged in a furious bout of packing and unpacking, I found my old digital camera. Typical. Just after I bought a new one. Still, there's a silver lining - it means I have my pictures from Miami again, so I can indulge in some grimacing at the sight of me in a bikini. Self-pity is a highly underrated activity. Not quite sure what to do with the camera exactly, if Milo's interested I'll probably give it to him as he sets off on his whirlwind adventures tomorrow.

On Monday I had my first full pint of beer ever. I'd tasted a couple of beers before but never drank a whole pint, so I was particularly proud. I bragged about it no end until Milo pointed out yesterday that now that I'd started drinking beer I would become fat. That shut me up pretty quick.

After shattering evenings on Friday, Monday, Tuesday and today, I have an inkling that the proximity of my new apartment to the GLG after-work watering holes is going to precipitate my downfall. Things are going off-kilter, I think I need a life coach. Volunteers?


Anonymous said...

I drink a lot of beer and I'm not yet fat. Of course, I have nothing against overweight people.

Inihtar said...

Yaay, u found ur digicam! Have to see ur Miami pics now!! And all your stuff fits into two suitcases? HOW!?!?!?!?

Ficali McDelta (nee McPipe) said...

Dammit will no one be my life coach?