Friday, January 20, 2006

Cheeky chappies

Tonight, we're having movie night again, and as usual there's been no shortage of debate and banter as the day approached. As you may recall from the previous movie night, I was so very excited during the run-up to the evening, and then promptly fell asleep once the movie commenced. Bit of an anti-climax to say the least.

So as we sat around the dining table yesterday discussing our approaching movie night, Azdadoobie turned to me with a tone of reprimand, "You absolutely MUST stay awake this time, okay?!"
"Yeah," added Ilajna, "this time no staying up late to work the night before."
"And no getting up early in the morning to go to the gym," Azdadoobie continued.
"And make sure you have a nap right after work so that you're not tired," Ilajna conjoined.

I looked from one to the other guiltily. "I'm sorry about last time, guys. I'll be better this time around, promise.

Then Ilajna added with a smirk, "Just focus on staying awake through - "
Suddenly a thought occurred to me. I turned to Ilajna with narrowed eyes.
"Wait a minute, missy" I said. "You fell asleep too, as I recall. How come you get to reprimand me?!"
"Oh yeah" Ilajna conceded, the wind somewhat taken out of her sails.

These roommates, I tell ya. They get away with murder if you're not on your toes all the time.


Anonymous said...

So so so how did movie night go go go?

Anonymous said...

Did you sleep through the movienight?

Ficali McDelta (nee McPipe) said...

Oh no. The next blog will explain the fate of movie night...

Anonymous said...

And she hasnt updated her blog since Friday..I think we all know now how movie night went!