Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Bloggeurosis: Part I

Bloggeurosis. Yep. Neurosis of the bloggeur.
I've always had a semi-obsessive approach to life. And sometimes get so absorbed by an activity that it starts to take over my mind. And that's what's been happening with blogging lately.

As I go through daily life, I find myself, back in the nether regions of my mind, constantly testing incidents and moments for their blog-worthiness. Like chatting with Jeet as we cooked dinner this evening. She made a funny comment, and I caught my mind thinking, hmmm, I wonder if I can write a blog about that.
Nope, I told myself firmly.
But then another part of my mind started up: what about the diced tofu, can we write about that?
Or what about the way Rohinton's so engrossed in America's Top Model, wouldn't that make a funny entry?
The mind can be a many-faced goblin. Oy, pipe down, Li'l Ficali, I had to tell myself.

Sometimes, the simplest of activities can grow to take on a life of their own, and then there's no controlling them. Like take the MSN IM smileys for instance. One can only assume they were designed to imitate real human expression. But they have developed such an iconic presence, that by some perverse reversal of nature, I sometimes catch myself imitating the smileys rather than the other way around! Seriously. Like an over-dramatic bawling when the pettiest of things aren't going my way. Or making the :s face when baffled. You're right, it isn't pretty. But now it's become reflexive, and I have no control. I'm worried for the day I start sticking my tongue out at work in a cheeky :P

But back to bloggeurosis. It's not just the constant examination of life's daily foibles for blogworthy content. It is also the irrational excitement when someone's posted a comment. The hasty click on the comment link, and - oh no it's goddamn spam again.

And this ain't the last you'll hear of bloggeurosis nuther. In fact, for Part II, queue Macklaine.

** UPDATE **
Macklaine was supposed to do a follow-up post to this, but has decided he now can't, citing 'bloggeurosis' as the reason. So I guess it also includes some form of writer's block.


Anonymous said...

I've actually starting sticking my tongue out a lot in imitation of that smiley. They're taking over!

Anonymous said...

I think you should write a blog about Rohinton's love of america's top model.

Ficali McDelta (nee McPipe) said...

Oh - you're socially allowed to do the :P face?? Heh heh. A world of excitement awaits.

And 'anonymous': I might just have to!! :P

miLo said...

awesome entry! i can def. relate

Inihtar said...

Do u really call urself l'il Ficali?

Ficali McDelta (nee McPipe) said...

Of course I don't call myself Li'l Ficali! I have some dignity you know :)
It just has a cool ring in prose