Friday, September 09, 2005

Cost of a night

Milo Minderbinder once started a blog entry: "Is a crazy night worth the cost?". What a great topic, I thought. But then he couldn't proceed to complete the post, I suppose that in itself being evidence of the answer.

So I'm going to plagiarise the unused title, lacking in creativity as I am at this moment.

This evening was a long and wild one. It started innocently enough with a work "Women's Event" at the Park, a bar near work. Park has a large outdoor garden in which we could enjoy the evening as it gradually cooled into the night. And there's nothing like socialising in the name of female emancipation ;)

It was also Milo M's birthday bash today, and he had sent me venue details earlier in the day. "You are sooooo coming," he had said. Now how can one turn down an invitation like that. So after the Women's event I found myself heading in a taxi towards the East Village, to the Aladdin's cave of a bar in which the party was held.

Shite, I don't know anyone there, I thought. But I needn't have worried. There were people in plenty from my previous work.

There is so much to be said about the party that simply can't be expressed. Like the way I was taken in and welcomed and incorporated and treated like one of the family. Especially the way I was treated like one of the family.
Like how, thanks to Eddie Dub, I learnt how to dance.
Like how, thanks to Sizzle, I got to watch some real smooth salsa.
Like how, thanks to Milo M and Eddie D, I got to speak in an Irish/Scottish/not-quite-sure accent in the taxi all the way back.

And now that I'm safely home, and it's almost the morning after the night before, I find myself wondering, is a crazy night worth the cost?

Yes. Always. Especially for a friend's birthday.

Especially when it's still the night and you don't yet know the cost.


Inihtar said...

So what was the cost? Will I be finding out when we meet up tonight?

Anonymous said...

Heehee, sounds like a fun night. Whe I return to NY, you are going to have to show me all these new places you have visited.