Monday, September 26, 2005

Out of the frying pan, into the fire

Early yesterday evening, Seagull casually sauntered into my office. "Aren't you going home yet?" he asked.
"Noooo," I groaned, banging my palm against my forehead. "I just have so much work to get done."

Turns out both Seagull and I had to stay late at work, so ultimate frisbee was out of the question. Thank GAWD. I'd started to get a bit angsty about it as late afternoon approached. Of course, there's next Monday. I know I can't escape it forever.

But it's good to know, that for this week at least, I still have a shred of dignity left.

Later that evening, there was a refreshing light drizzle as I walked home from the station, so I decided to go for my daily walk. Halfway through, without the decency of a warning, the drizzle suddenly turned into a downpour. Wouldn't you know it, Hurricane Rita right on my head. Unprepared for this as I was, there was naught to be done but turn around and brace myself for the worst of it. I scrunched up my nose to stem the flow of raindrops rolling off of it onto my chin. I must have been making a wierd face without realising, because I noticed a passerby give me a startled look. Quickly re-arranging my features into a degree of normalcy, I set off on the sloshy trundle home.

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