Monday, September 05, 2005

To Mainz

I squinted into the sunlight as I stepped out of the train at Mainz. I was exhausted - it had been a long journey - flight, flight, busride, trainride, and I was about ready to reach my destination. I cast around for the "Informationen" sign, my designated meeting point with JC. I couldn't find it at first, but it didn't worry me: I'm exactly the kind of exasperating tourist who is unfazed by accosting passers-by for help, and the Germans had proved to be warm and welcoming hosts. I had a chance to use my pidgen German: "Woher ist der Informationen, bitte?" and was soon pointed in the direction of the "i".

I wandered in the general direction, and suddenly heard shouts of "There she is!". Before I had a chance to gather my bearings, JC and his brother were upon me, with a hug, hug, how-are-you, good-to-see-you-again, how-was-the-flight. And I was bundled into the car towards the hotel.

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