Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I'm hoping for the S's

My mp3 player has a life of its own. Yesterday while I was on my walk, it wandered randomly into the R's. For some reason it's always shied away from them before. But suddenly, to my pleasant surprise, I was listening to long-lost favourites I hadn't heard in ages.
Radiohead. REM. Red Hot Chilli Peppers. Robbie Williams (I was laughed at for admitting this one).

Today I'm hoping we'll explore the S's. Maybe some Suzanne Vega or Sheryl Crow. But I'm not going to go in and choose the 'S'. No way. I want to be surprised with the S's.

This evening, Cilla and I are going to catch up over a coffee after work. We'll probably head down to Cafe Del'Artistes in the West Village, which has now become my regular neighbourhood cafe. As Inihtar pointed out, it's a great place to introspect, cogitate, and figure out the problem with men. I'm hoping we get lucky with some live jazz. That's usually a Thursday phenomenon, but sometimes if you're especially lucky they have impromptu mid-week sessions. Cilla and I have only become close recently, and the friendship is still in those tentative 'handle-with-care' stages, where even the minorest of cracks could cause a breakdown. I'm a bit nervous that we'll run out of conversation - what if neither of us can think of anything to say?!

But I'm hoping that won't happen. I'm usually pretty good at talking tripe to fill the space.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who is Cilla?
I suppose I should ask you about all your friends just like I volunteered information about all my friends here. :( :( :(