Monday, September 12, 2005

Tip of the Day

It is a great idea to balance precariously on one foot in a public bathroom while using the other to pull the flush.

It is NOT a great idea to attempt this when wearing hard-to-balance-in high heels, especially when the floor is wet or slippery.

Not that anything untoward has happened to me, oh no. I was just thinking, that's all.


Anonymous said...

So you're out and out admitting that you pull the flush with your shoe/ leg. Do you have no respect for the person following you?

Sometimes I do that if the bathroom is especially dirty. Otherwise, I just bundle up some toilet paper in my hand and use that as a buffer when I pull the flush.


Inihtar said...

Judging from the last three posts and comments, I think I have a good idea of what the two of you talk about when you are together!!
