Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The ultimate challenge

As I was walking (as usual) along my jogging route the other day, I bumped into Seagull. I'm not meant to bump into work people when I'm all hot and sweaty and untidy and ruffled on my jog. In fact I'm not meant to bump into anyone. But especially not Work People. I tried to get away with a quick smile and a wave, but turns out he wanted to chat. So we stopped to shoot the breeze* for a while.

We were talking about the Hoboken Dev Center. Basically, there's a contingent of five people at the office who all live in Hoboken. They call themselves the Hoboken DC, and I've joined the clan. Dorky, I know. But when in Rome... and all that jazz.

Anyways, so Seagull, who's also in the Hob DC, suddenly asked me, "So, you joining us for ultimate frisbee next Monday?"
"Eh?" I wasn't quite sure what it was, but I knew it was more than just throwing a frisbee around. I was hesitant to commit myself to sure disaster.
"Don't you have to be remotely athletic to play that sport?" I wanted to know.
"Oh, come on! It's just us from the office! It'll be fun! We play in Hoboken every Monday!"

"Okay," I said, knowing even as I said it that it was a mistake. But I've never been one to turn down an offer. And I've always been one to make a fool of myself. So why change the pattern now, eh.

I quickly IM'd Milo: "What's ultimate frisbee?" I asked.
"You're not ready for anything that American yet," he responded.

So when I got into work this morning, I googled 'ultimate frisbee' to find out what I was letting myself in for. And I found this:

and this:

Boy. I have a lot to learn by next Monday. My plan is to go in disguise to the pitch where they play and check out how good everyone is. Obviously a foolproof plan.

* I learnt the phrase in Tom Sawyer, oh, some 15 years ago, and I've been dying to use it since

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