Thursday, September 22, 2005

Ficali McPeanut Brain

I had to distribute some important confidential information to the 20-strong leadership team yesterday, so drafted the email, and read it and edited it about a 100 times.

Then wouldn't you know it, I sent it to the wrong distribution list.

Dammit. Only happens with confidential information, mind you. It took me a moment of fumbling around, and I have to admit I did think about calling Sizzle, my Outlook Guru, for help, but I managed to locate the 'recall' function. Did it all pretty quickly, but a lot of the eager-beaver recipients had opened the mail anyway, so only managed to recall a small percentage.

Then I wanted to organise a meeting to discuss the information I'd sent, and wouldn't you know it, I sent that to the WRONG dist list too. Quickly recalled that too, this time with a practised hand. Sent everything to the right bods, and thought all was set.

Seagull popped a smiling face into my office. Seagull and I are buds now. "Bit trigger happy with Outlook today, aren't we?" He teased.
I grinned.

If only I'd stopped there.

"It's impossible to please you guys," I said instead, dramatically feigning victimisation. "It's like being caught betweeen the devil and a hard place. Or a rock. Or the deep blue sea. You know."

I gave a little shrug, but it didn't quite convey the nonchalance I was trying to muster. There was still a laugh in his eyes as he left the office, shaking his head.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tee hee. Too funny.