Friday, September 16, 2005

Housing dilemma

The time has now come for Ilajna and I to find a new apartment. And suddenly we're faced with all the difficult decisions we've been avoiding so far.

To stay in a large new apartment in Hoboken/Brooklyn, or to move into trendy city pad?

Milo, who's moving out of his apartment, offered for us to take it over after him. I went over to see it the other day, and it was simply gorgeous. I was in awe. Wooden flooring, a cosy lounge, large bedrooms, a little breakfast table, everything I'd dreamed of for my first apartment in America. Even as he was showing me around, I was already envisioning long, leisurely weekend breakfasts on the kitchen table. Warm winter evenings curled up with a novel in the living room.

And then there's the lure of the city. Can we afford a two-bed in the city? What about living with more friends and making it a four or five bed? And I'm lured by the vision of an easy return from nights out. A quick commute to work. A home in the midst of all the excitement the city has to offer.

I am torn.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If its in Hoboken, you should take it. Hoboken is gorgeous!