Sunday, September 18, 2005

Family McPipe's Day in the City

I've come to realise that when our family goes out together, we don't quite manage to pull off smooth and purposeful progress towards a destination. Instead, we indulge in a significant amount of bumbling about.

At each juncture and intersection, we all bump into each other, because I always forget to tell my parents the next direction in advance, and because they inevitably guess the wrong (and different from each other) way. It's like herding sheep. We reach a crossroad, and all of a sudden, Dad's turning left, Mum's going right, I'm trying to call them both back to base, and Rohinton and Jeet have gone ahead without realising the chaos behind.

We reach the subway stop and head quickly for the turnstiles, when all of a sudden there's a bump, bump, bump, bump, bump. That's the five of us bumping into each other because the first one didn't quite figure out how to swipe the metro card fast enough.
"Dad! You need to swipe it faster!" So he swipes it again, and strides ahead to bump flat into an unrelenting turnstile. He looks at me questionningly.
"Well not that fast!"
A swipe, and bump into the turnstile again. This time it's Mum.
"Mum! The arrow on the metrocard needs to be pointing forward!"
Finally, we're all through.

We get into the city, and head for the TKTS booth at Times Square. Rohinton and I wait impatiently in the queue, and when we finally get to the front, Rohinton says, "Five tickets for a matinee show, please."
"Here you go. That's $300 please. Sorry, but we only accept cash."
What. Shite.
So we have to step out of the queue, find Mum and Dad, pool our cash, and manage to cobble together the required amount. And then it's back to starting with the queue.

Although, having said all this, I wouldn't trade it for any other way. Bumblingly, brakingly, cobblingly, hobblingly, we had a great day in the city.

1 comment:

Inihtar said...

That's awesome!! I'm glad you're having a great time with them!

My family is the same, but that just adds spice to the entire experience!!