Friday, September 09, 2005

Slowly, but surely...

... I'm going to make this city my 'home'.

"I've now made two friends," I proudly announced to Milo M and Eddie D yesterday. They looked at me like I was crazy. Which is understandable, given that it's a bit of a wierd statement to make.

But the truth is, I am proud of it. Of course, I've met a ton of great people through work. People who are funny and witty and warm and - well, all the stuff you want in people really. But it's not very often that I feel that sense of sudden connection, that sense of wanting to make the transition from 'social buddy' to friend. And when I do, its a rare and sudden realization that there's an actual depth to the relationship - an intuitive connection and understanding that goes beyond just the fun. And I find myself thinking, even if I met this person somewhere else, and I didn't work with them, I'd still want them to be my friend.

So, I think, two friends in two months is pretty damn good.

"Am I one of the two?" Milo M wanted to know.
Which cracks me up. To admit to him that he was would mean admitting that there was only one other friend. Which suddenly didn't make the proud claim seem like such an accomplishment anymore.

But that's just the kind of stuff one can admit to friends, right.


Anonymous said...

Oh, that is great you are making frieds. Although none of us who know you ever doubted it, of course!

Inihtar said...

often, it's the friendships that take the longest to make that are the most lasting. So don't worry. . . slowly, but surely, they'll add up!

I :-)