Friday, September 23, 2005

Things that make you go hmmm.

Just cos it's a trendy bar is no reason to build in the bathrooms a convoluted labrynth of tall plants and fountains. Just cos it's a trendy bar is no reason to have washbasins disguised as fountains, where the water emerges from concealed spouts, when you press a concealed button.

There's no need to make it more complicated than necessary. Especially when people go there to - you know - drink.

The first time, I wandered around in the bathroom area a couple of times before the kindly attendant showed me the way.
The second time, I gave the attendant a jaunty wave. "I'm practised now," I told him with a smile. And walked right into the broom closet.


Anonymous said...

I hope you don't delete my comment! What was the other comment? (Well, I suppose if you posted it then that would counter the point of deleting it in the first place!)


Inihtar said...

Do you know how happy reading entries like this one makes me? That there are others who do things like this? Such a relief!!